Business process management (BPM) is about building and sustaining process improvements. It’s about teams of people, motivated by committed organizational leaders, working together to continuously find better ways of doing things.
How Can Nintex Promapp Help?
Nintex Promapp is cloud-based process management software that allows you to easily and intuitively document and govern business processes online. Promapp simplifies process mapping so business teams can own and improve their own processes.
BPM treats business processes as a key knowledge asset of your organization. If this asset is not easy to use, manage and improve by business teams, it will not deliver optimal value to the business.
Increase efficiency and productivity
Better execution, enabled by clear and understandable process maps, results in less time spent identifying, investigating and responding to issues caused by process breakdowns.
That means newstaff are more productive, and their ramp-up to become productive is significantly faster. They learn the correct way to do things right from the start. Essential intellectual capital remains within your organization, even if key staff move on. Process knowledge should grow over time rather than erode with each departure.
Simplify risk and compliance management.
The better you understand a process the better you can predict and protect its weaknesses. Simplify audits, compliance, and certification – create and update process and procedure content faster with process maps that are generated from text and can be dynamically updated and easily shared with external auditors.
Eliminate the costly, time-consuming cycle of large scale ‘catch-up’ initiatives.